Alan Price
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Alan Price (born April 19, 1942 in Fairfield, County Durham, England) is a musician, song-writer and actor.
A self-taught musician, he was a founding member of The Animals. He left the band in May 1965, to form the highly successful Alan Price Set. In the same year, he appeared in the film Don't Look Back, which followed Bob Dylan on tour. In 1967, he recorded the Randy Newman song "Simon Smith And His Amazing Dancing Bear". In 1973, he wrote the music for the Lindsay Anderson film O Lucky Man!; he performs on screen in the film.
He participated in two attempts to reunite The Animals in 1977 and 1983. He also made several recordings with his friend, Georgie Fame.
He acted in Alfie Darling, a less than stellar sequel to the film Alfie, in the course of which he became romantically involved with his co-star, Jill Townshend. He has written music for stage plays and films, including The Whales of August.
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